1. Help Centre
  2. Total Loss and Uninsured Loss

I want to keep my car

The vehicle remains your property, so if you want to keep it, you just need to let us know.

My vehicle isn’t with me, what do I do?

Depending on where your car is at the moment, it may be your responsibility to have the car moved to somewhere no charges are being incurred. AX will notify you if this is the case and will assume no responsibility for any storage charges being incurred. If you have any concerns or questions regarding storage charges, then please visit our Live Chat facility.

If I’ve had to recover my car, or pay any storage charges, can I get this money back?

If you’ve had to pay anything in order to get your car back, then please make sure you have receipts as proof of payment. You can send these receipts to AX, and we will try to recover the costs back from the at fault insurer. * Please note that as with any loss, this is not guaranteed.

Vehicles deemed Category A or B total losses, cannot be legally used on the public highways.  Any other type of total loss vehicles remain your property and you can repair and keep the vehicle or sell it on.