Now your vehicle has been suggested a total loss, if you don’t want to keep it then we can assist you with salvaging it.
What does this mean?
This means we can instruct a salvage agent, namely Copart to collect your damaged vehicle and dispose of it. You in return will receive a salvage payment. This payment will either be the amount quoted by the insurer, or more/less. If less, we will assist you in recovering the difference from the insurer, so you aren’t at a loss. *Please note that as with any loss, this is not guaranteed.
But what if my car is on finance?
Don’t worry, if your car is on finance we can still assist with salvaging it. You will just need to ensure that any outstanding finance is cleared before Copart can dispose of your vehicle. If the amount the insurer issues you for the total loss of your vehicle doesn’t clear your finance, we may not be able to assist with salvaging your vehicle. If you do still wish to explore this option then please visit our Live Chat facility and we can review your query.
What if I have GAP insurance?
Once your vehicle has been declared a total loss, you will just need to notify your GAP insurer of the valuation, in order for you to pursue your valuation claim.
I have a private plate on my car, what do I need to do if I want to keep it?
If you want to keep your private plate then this is fine, you will just need to visit to put your private plate on retention. And if you can let us know the original registration mark once done, we will let Copart know. Once you have put your private plate on retention, send AX the receipt and we can look to assist in claiming this cost back from the at fault insurer for you. *Please note that as with any loss, this is not guaranteed.
When will I receive my salvage payment?
Once the at fault insurer has issued the interim payment for the total loss of your vehicle, we will then ask Copart to release the salvage payment to you. This will be sent in the form of a cheque and will be sent directly to you from Copart. *If your vehicle is on finance, the salvage payment will only be sent once the finance is cleared.